
    ذات صلة

    الأكثر مشاهدة

    التكفيريون في سوريا.. قتل على الهوية وارهاب متعدد الجنسيات

    منذُ أيامٍ قلائل والأخبار السورية المفجعة تتوارد، والمشاهد الفظيعة...

    برلماني مصري: الجبهة اليمنية شكّلت نقلة نوعية في الصراع العربي الصهيوني

    قال عضو البرلمان المصري السابق، الدكتور جمال زهران إن...

    صنعاء تعلن “صناعة محلية” لــ”اسطوانة الغاز” وتصدر قرار بمنع استيرادها من الخارج

    أعلنت صنعاء، الأحد، توطين صناعة أسطوانة الغاز المنزلي محلياً...

    yemeni Military Media Distributes Scenes Of Saudi And Sudanese Prisoners Who Were Captured On The Fronts Behind The Borders

    Saudi And Sudanese Prisoners

    Today, Monday, the military media distributed scenes of a number of Saudi and Sudanese
    prisoners who were captured on the fronts behind the border, including some prisoners of the large-scale Jizan operation.

    The interviews of the prisoners of Saudi soldiers and Sudanese army mercenaries presented the prisoners’ definition of themselves, their military ranks, the military forces and formations to which they belong, in addition to their military numbers.

    He called on the prisoners their leaders to take care of their file and seek their release, assuring their families that they are in good health, pointing to the good treatment of the army and popular committees’ fighters.

    The interviews included the explanation of some prisoners of the extensive Jizan operation about the moments of their captivity and what they were exposed to during the operation and after it until their capture.

    They praised the treatment of the army and the popular committees for them and their protection from the raids of the coalition of aggression.

    Some prisoners from wide Jizan operation denounced the denial of the operation by a spokesman of the aggression coalition and their denial of the prisoners of their forces.
